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Y…¿qué me cuentas?

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Y…¿qué me cuentas?

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Y…¿qué me cuentas?

Recomendación al Gobierno de México por parte del Consejo Consultivo del Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior (CCIME) durante su XVII reunión ordinaria.

Haga clic aquí para ver el texto completo

¿Por qué aprender, mantener o mejorar el idioma español?

• 500 millones de personas hablan español en el mundo
• 48 millones de personas hablan español en Estados Unidos
• El español es el idioma oficial en 21 paises
• El español es el segundo idioma más estudiado a nivel mundial
• El español es el tercer idioma más utilizado en internet


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Friday, July 30, 2010

Como poner acentos y la "ñ" en la computadora

Spanish keyboard layoutImage via Wikipedia

Thank you Carolyn for sending us this valuable information!

Here is a summary of ways I have found to type Spanish accents and other characters.

1) Hold down the Alt key while typing 3 digits on the number pad.
2) Hold down the FN key on your laptop and use the numbers printed on top of the letters on your laptop (J, etc.). This works just like the Alt key with the number pad.
3) To put an accent over any letter, hold down the Ctrl key, type ', then the letter and release the Ctrl key. You can even make the ñ like this in Word, but you have to hold the shift key down to get the squiggle, then release it to get the lower case n - kind of troublesome, but it will work. Note that none of this seems to work in an email, although the numeric sequences work in emails. You will still need the numbers for ¿ and ¡. This works on both laptops and pc's.
4) Install the US English International keyboard
5) Insert symbols for the letters with accents (In Word - Insert | Symbol, then choose the one you want)
6) Change to the Spanish keyboard
7) Create a custom keyboard

Here are some numeric sequences:

alt + 160= á
alt + 130= é
alt + 144= É
alt + 161= í
alt + 162= ó
alt + 163= ú
alt + 164= ñ
alt + 165= Ñ
alt + 168= ¿
alt + 173= ¡
alt + 174= «
alt + 175= »

A more comprehensive list, and intructions for changing the keyboard layout can be found at:

Another source is:

I do not have a Mac, but it seems that the key used is different. This is explained in the links.

Thanks again for all your help. I love the class and it is very helpful.

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